NALC Handbooks
USPS Manuals
Grievance Starters
Article 5 & 19 - No Lunch - Improper Denial of Temp Change of Schedule.doc
Article 10 & 19 & 30 - Annual Leave Request Denied After Career For 90 Days.doc
Article 12 - Retreat Rights - Failure to Offer - Comparative Work Hour Report.doc
Article 12 & 15 - Improper Withholding - Non-Carrier Technician Job.docx
Article 12 & 15 - Improper Withholding - Carrier Technician Job.docx
Article 15 - DOIS - M-01664 - Improper Recording of Time Data.doc
Article 15 - DOIS - M-01664 - Volume Not Recorded Accurately.doc
Article 15 - Failure to Comply with Grievance Settlement.doc
Article 12 & 15 - NTFT Clerk Improperly Excessed to Full-Time Letter Carrier Position.doc
Article 15 - Non-Compliance - MOU Full-Time Opportunities - No Withholding.doc
Article 15 & 19 - Unauthorized Overtime Improperly Recorded.doc
Article 16 - Notice of Removal - Improper Citation of Past Elements - Unsafe Driving Practices.doc
Article 16.7 - Emergency Suspension - Unsafe Driving Practice.doc
Article 19 - Act of God - Denial of Administrative Leave - Hurricane.doc
Article 17 & 31 - Failure to Provide Information or Interviews.doc
Article 19 - PM Office Duties - Improper Instructions to Not Complete.doc
Article 19 - Act of God - Denial of Administrative Leave - Generic.doc
Article 19 - PM Office Duties - Improper Instructions to Not Complete.doc
Article 25 - Failure to Award Temp Vacant T-6 Assignment to FT Volunteer.doc
Article 41 & 30 - Failure to Timely Post Vacant Assignment.doc
Article 41.2.B - Improper Placement on Seniority Roster.docx
Article 5 & 19 - No Lunch - Improper Denial of Temp Change of Schedule.doc
CCAs - Article 15 - CCA Temp Loan - Non Compliance - M-01827.doc
CCAs - Article 19 - CCA Loaned - PS Form 1723 Not Provided.docx
CCAs - Article 26 - CCA Uniform Allowance Not Provided Timely.doc
PTFs - Article 12 & 15 - Improper Withholding - Carrier Technician - Failure to Convert PTFs.doc
PTFs - Article 12 & 15 - Improper Withholding - Failure to Convert PTFs.doc
PTFs - Article 7.1.C.4 - CCA Worked Before PTF Makes 40 Straight-Time Hours.doc
PTFs - Full-Time Flexible - Failure to Create Position and Convert.doc
Route Adjustments - Minor - Failure To Review Minor Route Adjustments.doc
Route Inspections - After - Improper Review of Route Adjustments.doc
Route Inspections - After - Improper Route Evaluation and Adjustment.doc
Route Inspections - Before - Dry-Run Conducted Improperly.doc
Route Inspections - Before - Improper Drawing of 7 Random Weeks for Form 1840-B.doc
Route Inspections - Before - Improper Unit and Route Review.doc
Route Inspections - Before - Inspection Schedule Not Posted Timely.doc
Route Inspections - Before - Union Not Timely Notified of the Inspection.doc
Route Inspections - Before - Unsatisfactory Conditions Not Corrected.doc
Route Inspections - During - Request to Verify Mail Count Denied.doc
Route Inspections - During - Management Completing 1838C on More Than One Day.doc
Special Route Adjustments - Special Route Inspection Not Completed Timely or at All.doc
Weingarten Rights
Federal labor law, in what is known as the Weingarten rule, gives each employee the right to representation during any investigatory interview which he or she reasonably believes may lead to discipline. (NLRB v. J. Weingarten, U.S. Supreme Court, 1975)
Here are things to know in the event the employer wants to conduct an investigative interview for alleged misconduct.
1. If your manager informs you they are going to conduct an investigative interview which could lead to disciplinary action, ask for a Shop Steward immediately. If your Steward is not there contact the Branch Office immediately. (Same rule applies for interviews with the Postal Inspectors and OIG)
2. Find out exactly what the allegation is that the employer is making against you.
3. Talk to your shop steward before going in for an investigative interview.
4. When the employer is conducting the interview, only answer the question that is being asked. Do not give the employer any extra information.
5. If your manager refuses to provide you Union representation, inform your manager that you are not going to answer any questions without any representation. You cannot get in trouble for refusing to participate in a investigative interview without Union representation. If the employer refuses to provide you Union representation for an investigative interview, contact the Branch Office immediately.
IMPORTANT: Your manager is not required to automatically provide you Union representation when they conduct an investigative interview. You have to ask for the Union representation. If your manager brings you in the office and does not inform you that it is a investigative interview and starts asking you questions in which you think could lead to discipline, inform your manager immediately that you are not going to answer any questions without Union representation present.