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I've gotten a lot of inquiries in the past few weeks about devices being added to Postal vehicles. I brought this question to our National NALC Executive Vice President, Paul Barner at the Congressional Breakfast. The answer given to me was that the new monitoring telematics in the vehicles are to monitor maintenance issues such as gas usage, oil levels, and other computer based issues with the new vehicles. Because the new vehicles are essentially run by chips, these new telematic devices can give information without having to inspect the vehicle. As a reminder, it is up to us as carriers to follow the safety rules. Wearing seatbelts at all times while the vehicle is in motion is a rule all of us should follow. Remember, we are ALWAYS visible. With todays technology, someone is always watching. One bad act by a letter carrier could tarnish our image as trusted and honest employees. So take pride in your job and take pride in each other. Work safe, work the same every day.

In solidarity,

President Tom Cser


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