I hope everyone's summer was nice and you all got to spend some time with your families and loved ones. I had a few small vacations and just recently got back from our 72nd National Convention in Chicago, Illinois. It was great to see all our fellow letter carriers from across the country gather in our first Convention, since the Covid-19 pandemic cancelled our last. I wish all of you could make it to at least one National Convention. To see the dynamics of a Union function at a national level is amazing. As delegates, we have say in amendments to our National Constitution and resolutions that we want our National officers to fight for in future contract negotiations. I want to thank the Branch for the opportunity to participate in this along with our other members that attended. The classes and workshops that were hosted by our national officers are always very informative and educational.
Onto some things that need our attention at home. First, nominations for Branch positions will take place in October of 2022. If needed, elections will take place in November of 2022.
Recently, by-law changes were submitted and will be voted on at the September Branch meeting. These changes, if enacted, will allow all offices of the Branch to vote for their own stewards in their said offices. This allows the smaller offices to have more say of who represents them. Second, if enacted, a Chief steward will be designated by the President to help with some of the grievance activity throughout the Branch. As always, these changes must be voted on by you, our members, to become final.
Lastly, I want to give an update on Allentown grievance payments. In April of 2022, Allentown carriers received a lump sum payment of over $230,000 in grievance payments, collectively. Another lump sum payment will be occurring soon as management has again failed to pay grievances in the Allentown Post Office. To clarify, management has paid 100% of these grievances by a higher-level USPS official. There is no "deal" or undercutting of these payments. Our Vice President, Kristina Weller has done a fabulous job settling these grievances. The next round of grievance payments should surpass the previous payout, thus netting the Allentown carriers the largest sum of monetary payments they have seen in many, many years, if not ever. Tina and I take pride in getting these monetary awards to our carriers as many of you have not seen these in a long time due to unethical behavior by one of our former leaders. I know many of you wish these payments could occur every paycheck, but unfortunately at this time, the amount and volume of these grievances is just too high. This is the best way to secure
that everyone gets what they are entitled to. We are working with our National Business Agent to secure a method of payment so the duration of time between payments is more frequent.
I wish all of you a happy end to the Summer and hope your kiddos enjoy a safe and knowledge filled beginning to the school year.
In Solidarity,
President Tom