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Know Your Rights

Updated: Nov 17, 2022

Going forward I'm going to try and create a Know Your Rights section in the future newsletters. I will go over certain things that us as carriers should know, so we aren't taken advantage of while we are at work.

You can also refer to the USPS Employee and Labor Relations Manual for more detailed information.


Sick Leave Earned

Full-time employees earn 4 hours for each pay period. PTFs earn 1 hour for each 20 hours of work.

ELM 513

Medical Documentation

Supervisors may accept the employee's statement for periods of absence of three days or less. Medical documentation is required for absences in excess of three days or when the supervisor deems documentation desirable for the protection of the interests of the USPS.

ELM 513.36

(If you believe the request is arbitrary and unjustified, follow the instructions and grieve later.)

Advanced Sick Leave

Carriers may be granted up to thirty days (240 hours) of advanced sick leave.

ELM 513.5

Dependent Care

Sick leave may be used by an employee to give care or otherwise attend to a family member with an illness, injury or other condition which, if an employee had such condition, would justify the use of sick leave by that employee. Family members shall include son, daughter, parent, and spouse as defined in ELM 515.2.

Up to 80 hours of sick leave for dependent care may be used per year. Approval of sick leave for dependent care will be subject to normal procedures for leave approval.


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