Hey! Are you going to the Union meeting tonight?!? You mean those meetings every second Tuesday of the month? What goes on at those anyways? Great question…
Union meetings are a time for our brothers and sisters to come together outside of work. What if you found out today that your employer will no longer offer you a pension? What if they decided to stop matching your retirement savings plan? Isn’t there somewhere you could find out facts, or ask questions you may have?
Sometimes you may have questions that require a simple yes or no answer. Sometimes your questions are going to need an elaborate explanation. Is a supervisor giving you false information? Were you recently given a Predisciplinary Interview (PDI) and have questions about your rights? Have a question about holiday scheduling? Or how to properly fill out a 3996? Were you forced to do work off your assignment and still make 8 hours? Looking for remedies on how to counteract those situations?
Your questions are valid and important. But sometimes our shop stewards and union representatives don’t have the time at work to answer all of your questions. So what does one do if they have a question that needs to get answered? Google? No Tom. Come to a union meeting? DING DING DING!
I learn best when I ask questions. I was always taught there are no stupid questions. Union meetings are a forum for you to ask questions and get answers. Chances are if you have a question or situation that arises, one of our Union officials will have a pretty darn good answer or will do their best to find it for you.
It’s simple.
Step 1) Write your questions down on a piece of paper
Step 2) Come to a meeting
Step 3) Ask your question
Step 4) Get a knowledgeable answer

We all share a common interest in that we want a secure job with good benefits. We want to be able to provide for a family or loved ones that count on us. There are always challenges that come and go with the territory, but things should not be difficult or stressful at work. You have rights and if you don’t know those rights then people are going to take advantage of that (cough cough, we all know who).
If you have a question, ask. If you need help with a form, ask. If you need somebody to fold your laundry, call my wife, she’s a great folder!!!
In Solidarity,
President Tom Cser