Hello to all branch 274 members! I was recently in sunny and HOT Las Vegas, Nevada for NALC Committee of Presidents. I want to thank the Branch for the opportunity to serve and represent you as President. I wanted to give a brief update on some of the things discussed at the meeting.
First, for any retirees or those thinking of retiring, NALCrest currently has a 3 year wait, with over 300 members on the waiting list. To find more information on NALCrest, please see the NALC website.
Our National President, Brian Renfroe, gave a brief contract update. The NALC will be picking an arbitrator in about a week. The agreement is close, and NALC has agreements with the USPS on multiple items but is still apart on the “economics” of the package. Some of the goals of the NALC include a single pay table, possible elimination of M-39 Chapter 2, increase uniform allowances, and changes to Article 8 and overtime lists.
Our National Executive Vice President, Paul Barner, also gave a short update on some other details that we could see in a few months. First, a new electronic GATS system, where union officials can email grievances to the DRT teams. Second, new keyless collection boxes, where key fobs would be used to access the boxes. The access codes to the boxes could be put on timers, so the codes will expire after a certain time of the day. Lastly, NALC wants to increase postal inspectors and prosecutors to ensure stricter sentencing for crimes against postal employees.
I will be attending the NALC Rap Session on November 17-20 in New Orleans, in which a new update will be given.