Keith Slusaw
I am an Army veteran who joined the Allentown Post Office in 1980. After a couple of years of getting in trouble I became a shop steward.
I have served on the Executive Board in several elected positions within local Branch 274 including: Legislative Rep; Trustee; OWCP Rep; and NALC Health Benefits/MBA Rep. I have also served on committees and programs over the years including: Employee Involvement Facilitator; Safety Captain; NALC Food Drive; Financial; Budget; and CFS Improvement among others.
I currently serve as the elected NALC Health Benefits/MBA Rep and was appointed OWCP Rep. For the next three-year cycle, I will take over duties as Legislative Rep.
I have three wonderful grown children and 5 grandkids who call me “G Pa”. I retired from USPS in 2018 and now live in Annandale Virginia.
I hope to engage and inspire others to serve, to learn the importance of these NALC Branch roles and to get involved, so we can keep improving the work lives of our members.