Injury Compensation
Our Injury Compensation Representative and local shop stewards are here to help when injured on the job. Below is a simple diagram outlining the steps to follow when injured.
Report to Supervisor
Report injury as soon as possible.
Select COP
on CA-1
Check COP when completing the CA-1. To be eligible for COP, you must submit a CA-1 within 30 days of the injury.
Obtain Medical Care
Make sure you request a CA-16 (Authorization for Examination and/or Treatment) and CA-17 (Duty Status Report) from your Supervisor before medical care. Give a copy of the CA-20 (Attending Physician's Report) to your doctor to fill out!
Complete CA-1
Go to www.ecomp.dol.gov and register your ECOMP account. Complete CA-1 after registration.
Upload Documents to ECOMP
Upload CA-17 and any other supporting documentation for your injury.
Make copies of everything.
You have the right to choose the physician you initially see for medical treatment.
If you have ANY questions, please reach out to Branch 274 OWCP Representative Keith Slusaw
at 610-390-8062 or kslusawlegrep274@gmail.com